Month: July 2022
Have you been doing yoga for a long time, which rejuvenates and strengthens the body?
Every day I undress to the naked and do classical yoga exercises, but for some reason it reminds me more of the Kama Sutra. Maybe yoga has a better effect on youth? I do yoga exercises. The main thing is the purity of the body and strengthen the body. The human body is very cunningly arranged: knowing that he is under stress, he does something with himself in order to calm down in a stressful state and thereby defeat stress. And this “something”, this state of mobilization, increasing the body’s resistance, others begin to feel. We explain it by the state of health, fatigue, fatigue. However, if a person who often experiences stress has health problems, then his state of mobilization usually occurs “on the go”, in connection with a real threat to life, or in connection with the fear of an impending danger, or some serious incident. Having safely passed the danger, the person actually returns to an anxious…
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